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mjSIP download

The mjSIP stack, proxy, and UA reference applications are available under the terms of the GNU GPL license (General Public License).

You can decide to download just the binary Proxy/Registrar/SBC (mjProxy) or UA (mjUA) applications (with jar files) or all source code.

If you are interested in all java source files of the mjSIP stack (v1.9) and reference applications (mjProxy v1.9 and mjUA v1.9), you can download them from here:

Download mjsip v1.9 complete toolkit

If you are interested in just running the last version of the mjSIP Proxy application (mjProxy) or mjSIP Session Border Controller (mjSBC) you can download the corresponding binaries from here:

Download mjProxy v1.9 (based on mjsip 1.9)

If you are interested in just running the last version of mjSIP UA application (mjUA) you can download the corresponding binaries from here:

Download mjUA v1.9 (based on mjsip 1.9)

If you are interested in developing and running your mjsip-based application on the J2ME/CLDC platform (J2ME/CLDC1.1/MIDP2.0), you can download the mjsipME porting from here:

Download mjsipME v1.9 toolkit


Previous releases:

mjsip v1.8 toolkit

mjProxy v1.8 (based on mjsip 1.8)

mjUA v1.8 (based on mjsip 1.8)

mjsipME v1.8 toolkit

mjsip v1.7 toolkit

mjProxy v1.7 (based on mjsip 1.7)

mjUA v1.7 (based on mjsip 1.7)

mjsipME v1.7 toolkit

mjsip v1.6 toolkit

mjProxy v1.6 (based on mjsip 1.6)

mjUA v1.6 (based on mjsip 1.6)

mjsipME v1.6 toolkit